Q3Log v1.1 Readme file (Copyright Stuart Butcher, stu@wilf.co.uk, 2002)

1.  Introduction
2.  Installation
3.  Usage
4.  Future Enhancements/Bugs
5.  Distribution
6.  Feedback


1.  Introduction

This is a logfile parser/stats generator for Quake 3 Arena log files.  It takes
standard Quake 3 Arena log files and generates cutdown versions which it stores
and adds to with any new log files.  These cutdown log files are then used to
generate stats pages in HTML format.

It is written entirely in Java, and should work with Java 2 (1.4) and higher.  A
full Runtime Environment is needed to use this program, but it should work under
any OS there is a Runtime Environment for.

2.  Installation

Simply unzip the install file anywhere on your machine.  You should have the
following directories:

  bin - contains the java files and the main config file
  input - should be used to hold the cutdown log files
  logs - should be used to hold the standard Quake 3 Arena log files
  output - should be used to store the output stats files
  static - holds the static HTML files that wrap around the stats files

You should now setup the config file (Q3Log.conf usually) to contain the values
you require (the file is commented)

3.  Usage

Drop your log files (games.log usually) into the logs directory and then run the
program.  do:
  java Q3Log help
for help on the parameters you can pass in and what they mean.

Once run, you should have all the HTML files you need containing the stats.

4.  Future Enhancements

When I get the time, I will be converting the hardcoded HTML content over to
template files to make it easier to change the look and feel.

I have fixed the bugs in version 1.0 that stopped it from working.

I dont know of any bugs with the program as it stands.  If you find any please
e-mail me a full bug report to q3logger@wilf.co.uk

5.  Distribution

You are free to distribute this program as you wish, provided you dont charge for
it and you include this readme file with the program unchanged (unless you make
changes to the program that need to be reflected in here).  If you want to put
this program on a magazine CD/DVD/Whatever then please contact me at
givememoney@wilf.co.uk and we can talk about it.

If you want to modify this program, feel free!  I have included the .java file to
make it easier.  The comments are a bit sketchy, and the coding is very poor (I
havent got time to look over it and make it anywhere near good), so good luck. 
You can distribute your changed program as long as you dont charge for it, and
provided that you include my name and e-mail address and state I wrote the
original that you improved on.  Also, you should only distribute any versions of
this program if they have a readme or similar file that states that it shouldnt
be distributed for money.

6.  Feedback

If you have any feedback or questions (and have read this file and the help
generated by the program first) then please contact me at q3logger@wilf.co.uk

Quake 3 Arena is owned by ID Software.  Q3Log is owned by Stuart Butcher